About Us

Serving the community of Wickenburg for over 100 years

Who We Are

Mount Hope Assembly of God has been serving the community of Wickenburg for over 100 years. It is our desire to see people Revived, Renewed, Restored, Rebuild, so they may Rejoice!

Our Mission

The Mission of Mount Hope is born out of Isaiah 60-62 Read it as often as possible, God has called us to be his representative in our community, serving as He served, bringing His message of Hope and offering His love. It is, therefore, our prayer that throughout our ministries and in obedience to our Lord, that lives will be Revived, Renewed, Restored, and Rebuilt, so that we can Rejoice in his transforming power

Our Purpose

Our Mission will be accomplished within the context of W.I.F.E born out in Acts 2:41-47


Loving God with our total being


Teaching the Word of God for practical life application


With the Spirit and one another as God's Family


Going and sharing Christ with those who are spiritually dead

Seeing people Revived, Renewed, Restored, Rebuild, so they may Rejoice

Our Values

Authentic in Relations, Christ Centered, Pentecostal, Sound in Doctrine, and Authentic in Worship

Ministry Values

Relevant, Celebrative, Equipping, Evangelistic, Excellence, and Intentional

Lifestyle Statement

The Bible is our sole authority

(2 Timothy 3:15)

Priesthood of every believer 

 (1 Peter 2:9)


(Leviticus 27:30 and Matthew 6:21)

Baptism by immersion

(Colossians 2:12)

Spirit-led living

(John 15:5)

Spirit-led sharing with spiritually lost

(1 Peter 3:15)​​​​​​​​​

Our Beliefs

The  Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind. There is only One True God-revealed in three persons...Father, Son and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).

Pastor Duane & Cheryl

Thanks for stopping by. We'd love to welcome you to our church and get to know you better. 

Our History

In 1916 Evangelist Jonah Shelton came to Wickenburg and near the banks of the Hassayampa River, on what is now Valentine Street, opened the First Pentecostal Tabernacle church in a store front building.  Valentine Street, at that time, was the main street into Wickenburg. 

Baptism Sunday | Date Coming Soon
Email Josh@mounthopeag.org to sign up or get more information